Janie McGhin, was born September 24, 1950 and received her heavenly wings January 15, 2021. She was a wife, mother, grandmother, nurse, nurse practitioner but she was also a Community activist. She began her nursing career as a nurses aide, she then became a registered nurse and eventually an Adult Nurse Practitioner.
She excelled in her career as a nurse and was instrumental in the nursing education of many of today’s nurse when she taught nursing at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College for many years. Although she became a nurse practitioner she went on to teach health occupation at Lowndes high school until retirement. In this position she motivated lots of students to enter the healthcare professional. After she retired from teaching she opened her own practice in 2016 focused on care of the adult patient with diabetes. Because she was bilingual she also focused on care of the immigrant patient.
Throughout her Nurse Practitioner career she has always been involved in the promotion of the career acceptance for nurse practitioners. She was fundamentally important in nurse practitioners at obtaining the authority to write prescriptions. Most recently she has been involved in the nurse practitioners fight for independence practice in the state of Georgia. She was instrumental in starting the South Georgia Association of Nurse Practitioners. She was even president of SGANP in 2018. She was also a political activist for the Democratic Party even opening a Democratic office here in Valdosta. Many of today’s nurses, nurse practitioners, and politicians careers have been enhanced by Janie McGhin. She will be sorely missed.